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14 juillet 2022

A symposium Olivier MESSIAEN

in a hotel near Bar-sur-Aube, in Champagne

Saturday, September 17 and Sunday, September 18

in the framework of the European Heritage Days.

This symposium is chaired by Jerzy STANKIEWICZ, with the support of LA QUALITE DE VIE for the organisation.

Jerzy STANKIEWICZ is the Polish musicologist who was responsible for the Symposium Olivier MESSIAEN in TOUL, from April 30 to May 2.

The program is being finalized. It evolves of course according to the availability of speakers, musicologists, artists and specialists of MESSIAEN. 

Obviously, during these two days, we will devote a few hours to the visit of the  MAISON DES MESSIAEN à FULIGNY, (10 km from Bar-sur-Aube), we will make a visit of the Saint-Pierre Church, and we will approach the Saint-Maclou Church in Bar-sur-Aube, where Olivier MESSIAEN and Jules ROY came to play Bach and Debussy, on Sunday from 8:30 am to midnight!

An exceptional concert with two organs is scheduled on Saturday, September 17 at 8:30 pm. On the keyboards: one of the most famous organists in the world : Michael MATTHES, and the organist in charge of the Festival BACH in TOULPascal VIGNERON.

You will soon receive a registration form, with all the details, including information about accommodation in the many local gîtes and hotels.

This Colloquium will take place in person and in distance.

Please let us know by email if your calendar allows you to come and talk with us.


Reminder : To save LA MAISON DES MESSIAEN A FULIGNY, you can buy until September 18, shares of the SCI, at 50 euros, the price of two meals!

See this folder.

Best regards.

Jerzy - dr h.c. Jerzy Stankiewicz - wiceprezes zarządu  - Związek Kompozytorów Polskich - Oddział w Krakowie 



Rescue of MESSIAEN'HOUSE in FULIGNY - department Aube - Champagne area.

Among the first buyers of SCI DE LA MAISON MESSIAEN à FULIGNY :

1 - Thomas BLOCH, (the world reference of Ondes MARTENOT)


2 -  Dimitri VASSILAKIS, his talented accomplice








3 - Malcolm BALL, another great specialist of ondes Martenot wrote on 6 juin 2022, 22:02 - Subject: Re: Messiaen - To: Thomas BLOCH

Hi Thomas,

It seems Michel is making good headway with this. I would be very happy to help with the purchase of a share and also make use of the website to further the cause and hopefully reach more people that can help too. I will send him and email and discuss further. All best wishes


Malcolm Ball LRAM Supervising Examiner and Instrumental Adviser, Trinity College London.

This site is a member of the US Library of Congress and is included in the library's historic collection of Internet materials related to the commissioned Composers Web Archive.


4 : Henry FOURES - pianist and composer


5 : Gérard BEGNI - musicologist


6 : Nicolas CHEDMAIL - horn player - improviser - composer


7 : Jerzy Stankiewiczolas - Polish musicologist - the greatest specialist in the life and work of MESSIAEN - he notably hosted the Olivier Messiaen Colloquium in Toul, from 29 April to 2 May 2022

Tuesday, June 21 - 8:30-10:00 pm

Organ concert Olivier MESSIAEN

in the church of FULIGNY (10200)

On the occasion of the Fête de la musique, an Olivier MESSIAEN Organ Concert, in the church of Saint-Georges in FULIGNY (10200), was announced. In case of a heat wave, we would have taken advantage of the freshness of the church. In case of a storm, we would have been safe.

Of course, no one has travelled. And that is quite normal, since no publication has been carried out by the local media.

In fact, this idea of Concert Olivier MESSIAEN was only a switch operation, as part of the rescue of the House of the MESSIAEN in Fuligny.

A NewsLetter will be published on June 27, and will give tasty details on the decisions of the Mayor of FULIGNY.

June 3, 2022 News Release

And if MOZART had written a third of his works in FULIGNY, would you be anxious to save this house ?

To save MESSIAEN' home and property


would you buy parts


for 50 euros.

That’s the price of two meals !

Send an email to :
for reserving some units : There are only 1 000 units at 50 euros.

There is not any financial risk associated with this acquisition. It does not concern future investments, which will be the responsibility of the future FONDATION LE CHANT DES OISEAUX DE FULIGNY, which will be the matching fondation of LA MAISON MESSIAEN en Isère.












The whole issue of this rescue : and at the bottom of this document.



Thank you for acquiring some shares of SCI MAISON DES MESSIAEN A FULIGNY.

Watch this 4-minute video on the world of birds in FULIGNY :

You will not be insensitive to our approach. Thank you.


The House of MESSIAEN

Located at 18 rue du Moulin in Fuligny, in Aube department - Champagne. This house will soon be classified as an Historic Monument. That is the mention on its front.









And there are reasons :


#1 - The composer Olivier MESSIAEN lived there in his youth, and came back regularly throughout his life, to recharge his batteries, listen to the birds' song, and compose.

In FULIGNY, he found the material for his inspiration.

In FULIGNY, he composed a third of his works.

The list of works composed in Fuligny.


#2 - Olivier’s uncle, sculptor Léon MESSIAEN, arrived at the age of 16 in LA CHAISE. He sculpted the famous "L'ENERGIE FAUCHEE", visible in the "charming" small cemetery of LA CHAISE

A copy was made and installed in Troyes near the Prefecture. It was chosen by the Municipality of Troyes as a symbol of the 100th anniversary of the War 14-18.


The current owner has decided to sell this home, and the couple of young people who wanted to by it, wanted to demolish it, due the cost of restoring it.

The Association "LA QUALITE DE VIE" immediately reacted, and made great effort to classify this "house of character" as an Historical monument.

The project is to transform this house into a structure for the world of BIRDS, HISTORICAL HERITAGE, CONTEMPORARY MUSIC, ORGAN, Olivier MESSIAEN...

There are already many buyers. A notary is therefore in the process of creating the SCI. It’s simple : it’s a question of sharing 1,000 shares at 50 euros.

If you are interested, please send an email to

LA FONDATION LE CHANT DES OISEAUX DE FULIGNY will make this place a concentrate of Culture: "adults" and "children of schools" will learn to recognize the birds, their song, their life...

We can imagine the creation of a library and a mediatheque... In a small auditorium you can listen all the music and songs of birds... And maybe a care center for wounded birds and little animals...

On June 1, 2022,

this press release was sent to a file of approximately 1 000 addresses. The message :

To save MESSIAEN' home and property in FULIGNY, would you buy parts of the SCI 

for 50 euros.

That’s the price of two meals !

Send an email to :

for reserving some units. There are only 1 000 units at 50 euros.


Olivier MESSIAEN and Léon MESSIAEN are two Celebrities featured in the book released on March 24, 2022 :



The March 30 article in Est-Eclair :


A worldly travel guide at the origin of a Messiaen museum ?


Olivier Messiaen came on holiday to this house in Fuligny where he composed works that «are a milestone in the history of music».

Fuligny. "Le Guide mondain des villages de France", released on March 24, which highlights the village through the composer Messiaen, encouraged two Aubois to propose a purchase offer for the house where he spent his holidays with the ambition of making a museum there.

"Mondain" : which is related to the social life of people in view, their entertainment, their meetings.” This is the definition of Larousse, of this «Parisian snob term» and therefore intrinsically and exclusively... urban ? Matthias Debureaux proves the contrary by signing the book Guide mondain des villages de France, released on March 24.

It’s a wink that makes me laugh. We often talk about the villages closed on them. This guide shows that the villages are open to the world and the history of the arts», says this Parisian journalist, originally fromends to discover the small towns where fates were forged.

What I also like is to present villages that are not obvious, not necessarily known when they have a place of capital in creation.”

It started in the Green Perigord, I had discovered that Lawrence of Arabia had done his bike tour of France for an academic research on castles. In Châlus, he celebrated his 20th birthday, before leaving for the East. From this character, I thought to myself : there must be others. I wanted to tell the story of these villages, which are also places of history and creation, explains the editor of the fashion and culture magazine Citizen K. In the guides, we talk more about historical characters. I have selected (500) contemporary personalities with an international dimension.”

Among them, four characters make the beautiful pages of the Auboise section of the travel guide: Auguste Renoir and Essoyes; Gaston Bachelard and Bar-sur-Aube (read below) and a page on Fuligny and Olivier Messiaen, which also evokes his uncle sculptor, Léon Messiaen through his work of 1915, "L'Énergie fauchée", above the family burial in La Chaise's cimetery. I have chosen personalities that interest me. What I also like is to present villages that are not obvious, not necessarily known when they have a capital place in creation.”


The village of Fuligny did not fail to influence the ear of the renowned composer Olivier Messiaen, born in 1908. He came to this house of Fuligny, to his aunts, with his parents from the age of 14, from 1922. He returned there as a musician, studying at the Conservatoire national de Paris, between 1928 and 1931. He composed four very important works. The first, "Prelude" , works for piano, "Le Banquet Céleste", for organ, the third, "Les Offrandes oubliées", symphonic poeme and finally, "Le Tombeau resplendissant", symphonic work.

These works marked a date in the history of music. We find there its harmonic originality, new rhythms and orchestrations», tells the Aubois Gérard ANDRE, author of an article about the artist in 2013, in a special issue about the musicians of Aube, of "La Vie en Champagne". Another originality of Olivier Messiaen: the notation of bird songs. He makes them heard in his works. It was in Fuligny that he began singing alouette», says this music lover.

“He was considered a fada !”

This story amuses me. I don’t know who would recognize that Fuligny birds sing better. In any case, this is fundamental to his work,” stresses Matthias Debureaux. “ Is it now known (especially locally) ?” , he wonders. Known to Fuligny ? Certainly, not acknowledged ! "He was considered a fada !" At issue: his wandering spirit. His aunt had three cows. One day he had to keep them in this field. He was distracted. The cows went to another field and ate the beets. The farmers were not happy at all. And, he had this bad reputation», reveals Gérard André, who works to return his letters, or rather his notes of nobility.


For when the Guide left, «I wondered what had become of the Messiaen house» of Fuligny. Michel Guérrite, whose grandmother had as nephew Olivier Messiaen, who was the son of his brother, had the same reflex. The two men then find that it is on sale.

Unfortunately, a couple has already positioned themselves on it. Worse, because of the costs of a restoration, he planned to demolish the building of the eighteenth century. Immediately, a new offer to buy the house is then formulated in the name of the association "LA QUALITE DE VIE" of Michel Guéritte. The project : get closer to the Fondation Messiaen in Grenoble to ask for the protection of the house as a historical monument and create a museum there in the future. An ambition displayed as early as Friday on a panel fixed on the shutters of the house which «belongs to the heritage», according to Michel Guéritte, and which in case of refusal of the Foundation even plans to create a local association Messiaen. «It would be good if the house in question were a place of cultural, family memory, and why not ornithological», projects, with him, Gérard André.

«Guide mondain des villages de France», by Matthias Debureaux, edited by Allary Editions. 670 pages, 20 €.

Tourism in France is a bit too postcard. All the guides are looking for the most beautiful, picturesque village. With this guide, I wanted to see the villages differently, where there is a strong history often forgotten by the inhabitants,” says Matthias Debureaux. In his "Guide mondain des villages de France", Bar-sur-Aube was an exception. «In the case of Gaston Bachelard, this is a special case» because the name of this professor of physics-chemistry and baralbin philosopher still resonates in the municipality, and is even displayed in homage on the walls, or on a tourist trail. Sometimes we talk about people passing through the village.

This is different. This is a central element of his work. A quote I could use: 'I’m not staying in Paris in this geometric cube, this cement cavity'. Creators need to get away from Paris, a great showcase to present a work but this is not where great works are created. Bachelard is the example in the region,” points out the author.


THE HOUSE OF OLIVIER MESSIAEN SAVED BY "Guide mondain des villages de France"

Olivier Messiaen’s holiday home in Fuligny, in Aube, was being sold. Its restoration being too expensive, the buyers planned to destroy it. Upon reading the Guide, two inhabitants of the village discovered the importance of this house in the life and work of the composer - he was inspired by the singing of birds of the region - and decided to buy it back to make it a Messiaen museum. The heritage of our villages lives on thanks to the "Guide mondain des villages de France" !

"After four years of cycling across the province, Matthias Debureaux publishes a tasty guide, perfect for exploring our country off the beaten track." L'Express

"Follow the VIPs of our villages. Discover tasty anecdotes in the footsteps of more or less commendable personalities. An original way to prepare your next holiday on the roads of France!" La Croix

"A furiously up-to-date "who'who" who surfes on our post-Covid need to go green again, offering us to rediscover the small towns we pass by too often without stopping." La Voix du Nord

"A completely new tourist guide." Livre Hebdo

"A host of amazing anecdotes and beautiful pretexts for walking in small towns." Le Populaire du Centre

"The Guide revisits the footprints left by a great name in music, literature or politics in an instructive and unexpected way." Nord Éclair

"Another way to discover France or your own village in a different way." La Nouvelle République

"If you want to learn things, go for a walk, discover France, don’t hesitate. This book celebrates all the villages we don’t talk about enough." France Bleu

We will soon compile the documents concerning these two artists in three files :

Dossier Olivier MESSIAEN

Dossier Léon MESSIAEN

Dossier Olivier et Léon MESSIAEN


Sunday, May 8, 2022

5 free Great Organ Concerts

took place as scheduled at 10:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.

in the beautiful Church of Saint-Pierre, in Bar-sur-Aube


The announcement relayed on the Canal 32 website


On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the death of the composer Olivier MESSIAEN have been interpreted works of Olivier MESSIAEN, his students and his masters: orchestra, organ, piano, violin, trumpet, bugle, etc...

Flyer Recto

Flyer Verso

This church of exceptional beauty and acoustics, therefore has access to 250 people... only.


Les artistes présents :

# - Thomas BLOCH (considered as the "extraordinary world reference" of the Martenot waves) and Dimitri VASSILAKIS on the piano played live at all the afternoon sessions..

Thomas BLOCH' biography

Dimitri VASSILAKIS' biography

The programme - It is from this list that the works performed live were chosen.

The presentation text at the Olivier MESSIAEN Colloquium in TOUL, the week before.

We invite you to listen to these 
26 seconds with Dimitri VASSILIAKIS recorded during the Olivier MESSIAEN Colloquium in TOUL.











We will put all these benefits online, but it takes a processing time because we have 10 half-days of rushes!


# - Paul LECOQ - 17-year-old pianist, young prodigy of "LES PETITES MAINS SYMPHONIQUES" with Eric du Faye








Paul studied piano for 9 years at the Conservatoire de Saint-Maur-des-Fossés with Christine FONLUPT, and in the 3rd cycle of harpsichord in the class of Aurélien DELAGE. He was received at the CNSM de Paris in the class of Claire DESERT, this year. He has been a member of "Les Petites Mains Symphoniques" orchestra for 8 years, and plays regularly with François-René DUCHABL, who is the godfather of the Association.
Paul is the winner of the 2018 Golden Keys Competition, as well as the Chopin Teresa Janina Czekaj Award, and the 2020 Steinway & Sons Prodige Art Competition, Top Category.
He played Le Baiser de l'Enfant Jésus from Vingt Regards sur l'Enfant Jésus d'Olivier MESSIAEN. And for the pleasure of the spectators he literally did a show with BACH, DEBUSSY and CHOPIN.

Patience to watch his performance! !


# - Other young prodigies of Eric du Faye’s "Petites mains symphoniques" were expected... But, the problem is that there is school on Monday morning! And parents want homework done.


The list of works (these are the references of the driver) offered live or recorded, depending on the sessions and the presence of the artists :

M10 - Apparition de l'église éternelle
M11 - L'Ascension
M12 - La Nativité du Seigneur
M13 - Méditations sur le Mystère de la Sainte Trinité
M15 - Et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum
M17 - Le désert
M19 - Prélude : n° 7 : Plainte calme
M21 - Prélude : n°8 : Un Reflet dans le vent
M23 - Petites Esquisses d'oiseaux
M25 - grive musicienne
M27 - rossignol
M29 - Abîme des Oiseaux
M31 - Le banquet céleste
M32A - Thème et variations
M33 - Les offrandes oubliées
M35 - 1er mouvement Liturgie de cristal du Quatuor pour la fin du temps
M37 - 2ème mouvement : Vocalise, pour l'Ange qui annonce la fin du temps du Quatuor pour la fin du temps
M39 - 4ème mouvement : Intermède du Quatuor pour la fin du temps.
M41 - 5 ème mouvement : Louange à l’éternité de Jésus du Quatuor pour la fin du temps
M43 - 7 ème mouvement : Fouillis d’arcs-en-ciel, pour l'Ange qui annonce la fin du temps du Quatuor pour la fin du temps :
M45 - Vingt Regards sur l’Enfant Jésus.
M47 - Vingt Regards sur l’Enfant Jésus : Regard de l'Esprit de joie.
M51 - Ile de feu
M53 - Couleurs de la Cité céleste
M55 - Regard des Anges de Vingt Regards sur l’Enfant Jésus
M56 - Jean-François Zygel et Thomas Bloch
M56A - Thomas Bloch et Jean-François Zygel ondes Martenot
M58 - Feuillets inédits
M59B - Demeurer dans l'amour de Eclair sur l’au-delà
M61 - Joie du sang des étoiles de Turangalîla-Symphonie
M63 - Vocalise-étude
M63B - Psalmodie de l'Ubiquité par amour des Trois petites liturgies de la présence divine
M65 - La prière exaucée de Poème pour Mi
M67 - Saint François d’Assise
M69 - Réveil des oiseaux
M70 A - Hymne de l'Ukraine
M71 - Messe de la Pentecôte : Le vent de l'esprit














On the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the death of Olivier Messiaen, the Forlane label, in co-production with the quantum label, and under the artistic direction of Pascal Vigneron, Director of the Bach Festival in Toul, and producer of the box set, will soon release the complete organ work of Olivier MESSIAEN.

This 8 CD box set has been recorded with teachers and students of the major organ classes of the greatest European conservatories (more than 40 participants)

In order to safeguard "LA MAISON DES MESSIAENS A FULIGNY", where he composed many of his masterpieces, the Association "LA QUALITE DE VIE" offers you to by this box. A portion of this purchase will be donated to safeguard this historic home.


The organ of the church of Saint-Pierre in Bar-sur-Aube is extraordinary.

The organ cabinet comes from the abbey church of Saint-Pierre des Chanoinesses de Remiremont (Vosges), and was bought by Bar-sur-Aube in 1845.

The decorations of the large body date from 1744.

The two-body sideboard in the main part may be reusing a Renaissance flat frame, embellished in the middle by a 7-pipe turret. The positive, mitre-shaped, has three turrets and two platforms. The decoration of the large body consists of openwork fins, skylights, scrolls, statues of angels and flowerpots.

The organ cabinet was restored in 1979.


Cette idée de grand Concert d'orgue et autres instruments est basée sur ces deux faits historiques :

This idea of a great organ concert and other instruments is based on these two historical facts :

21 july 1925

The author Jules Roy, whose father spent his holidays in nearby Lévigny, where Madeleine, one of Olivier’s three aunts, also lived, writes in his Journal: "Yesterday I met Olivier Messiaen, son of Pierre Messiaen, professor at the Lycée Charlemagne in Paris.

An excellent musician, inspired by the singing of birds, an artist who is already revealed, Olivier is only sixteen years old, and has just obtained at the Conservatoire de Paris the first prize for accompaniment. Delicate, reserved, speaking little of him. Today, I accompanied my laureate to Ville-sur-terre. For two hours, he was on the piano.

If I had to judge him only those pieces that he unraveled for us, I could say that it is a first class performer : His lyrics and improvisations reveal the artist."

26 july 1925

Yesterday I accompanied Olivier Messiaen to Bar-sur-Aube. We spent almost a whole day at the organ of the Saint-Maclou church.

What delightful moments! I tasted in particular the fugues and preludes of Bach that my young

musician performs wonderfully. When the time of departure arrived, a lady said to me: "This music is to make you lose the notion of the day! "

I corrected: "I would rather lose the notion of the night: it is light that one would think to see coming down from the sky".


A few articles in Est-Eclair, the daily newspaper of Aube department :

March 29, 2022

Will a «worldly guide» of travel be at the origin of a Messiaen museum in Fuligny ?



June 30, 2019

The Messiaen in a new light in Soulaines-Dhuys



June 16, 2019

Bar-sur-Aube: an «unusual» visit of the Saint-Pierre church in six highlights

April 5, 2019

The association Objectif patrimoine invites you to discover the heritage of Soulainois



September 16, 2018

Local heritage in all its diversity





Nombre de visites total

Soutenir L’Association La Qualité de Vie et l’Association TROP,
Nous soutenir